The CR6 measures almost any sensor with an electrical response, drives direct communications and telecommunications, reduces data to statistical values, performs calculations, and controls external devices. After measurements are made, data are stored in onboard, nonvolatile memory awaiting transfer to the computer. Because most applications do not require that every measurement be recorded, the program usually combines several measurements into computational or statistical summaries, such as averages and standard deviations
Read moreBasic weather sensors measure six parameters: wind speed and direction, precipitation, barometric pressure, temperature, and relative humidity. These compact, multi-function sensors have no moving parts.
Read moreBarometric pressure sensors measure fluctuations in the pressure exerted by the atmosphere. The sensors require protection from condensing humidity, precipitation, and water ingress. They are typically housed with the datalogger inside an environmental enclosure. If the enclosure is airtight, the sensor’s pressure port must be vented to the atmosphere.
Read moreAir temperature and relative humidity sensors typically consist of two separate sensors packaged in the same housing. Often relative humidity is measured with a capacitive RH sensor, while air temperature is measured by a PRT.
Offers a variety of sensors for measuring air temperature. The electrical signals transmitted from the sensors to our dataloggers can be converted to different units of measurement, including °C , °F, and °K. Our dataloggers are also capable of measuring most commercially available air temperature sensors.
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